Atalaya Elementary School
721 Camino Cabra, Santa Fe, NM 87501
About Atayala Elementary School
Grade Levels Served: K - 6
Enrollment: 214
School’s Mission:
Our mission at Atalaya is to create a framework from which students can confidently and successfully approach the world.
We will:
- Respect and honor individuality
- Foster a safe and nurturing school community
- Maintain high academic standards
- Teach social and environmental awareness
- Inspire the love of learning
- School’s Vision:
- Atalaya educates and challenges students to successfully perform at their highest potential.
Why Our School is Unique:
Atalaya is unique because it is a small school with a very involved family and volunteer community. Nestled in
the beautiful foothills, Atalaya serves its neighborhood community and a significant number of students from other
areas of Santa Fe. We have a large number of parent and community volunteers and a very active PTA.